Customer Testimonials

Admin/4i Customer Comments


“We run the BPCS ERP solution but also have a number of home grown applications that had menu’s written in CL programs.  Some of these CL programs were thousands of lines long to handle security to certain menu options and changes had to be implemented outside normal business hours.  We initially implemented Admin/4i to make maintaining these menu items easier.  With the ease we migrated these menus to Admin/4i and the time we saved not having to change those menu programs quickly repaid the investment in Admin/4i.  Our users found the added functions provided by Admin/4i of great benefit so we have recently completed the migration of all the BPCS menu items to Admin/4i.  Now we have one uniform interface to all applications that is easy to maintain and simple for our users.”


“When MSD contacted me for a customer testimonial about Admin/4i I thought Admin what?  We have been using this product for a number of years now and I really thought it was part of the operating system.  It is so easy, I just add the new user and give them access to the menu items they need to do their job.  That’s it, done in a couple of minutes.  We have also recently started using the scheduler to run reports over night, its great, I walk in Friday morning, pick up the reports of my printer and walk straight into the sales meeting.”


“Our company does not employ any dedicated IT staff, as the financial controller I do the system administration and nightly backups.  Any time I needed help I would just ring our business partner and they would talk me through the commands to achieve the task at hand.  Numerous times I would incorrectly type these cryptic commands and one evening Admin/4i was suggested to simplify the interface to the system commands.  I downloaded an evaluation from the MSD web site, I found the installation very easy and they had setup many system command menu items as a sample.  Now the cryptic commands are just plain English menu items and if the command does not exist we just add it !

Additionally we have just implemented the automated backups, I get a message if I have not changed the tape and each morning and I get a message confirming the backups completed successfully.”


Business I.T. Customer Comments


“Professional and fast service provided by the MSD team. They have gone above and beyond on a number of occasions to find a solution when my business has had IT issues. They are honest and trustworthy. Highly recommend them.”


“Always there when we need them and always have a answer- reliable and fairly priced.”


“Our experience with MSD, it’s representatives and the service it provides has been first class. It has been a most refreshing change to the level of service and attention received from previous service providers. MSD’s response or turnaround time has always been excellent with urgent issues given priority attention. We have also been most impressed with the companies ability to identify problems quickly to explore economic solutions.”